

In 2018, God gave us a picture of a grapevine lying across the land of Canaan from north to south. On this vine were different branches shooting out of the vine, east and west, all along the vine. We believe this vine is Yesua and the branches are the different communities throughout Palestine and Israel that will come to put their faith in Yesua.

We believe God is bringing Beit Sahour onto this vine. He is, and will continue to transform the hearts and minds of the people in Beit Sahour. Thus, we have committed to joining Him in His work and His vision.

Today, Elahi Malek builds kingdom leaders in Beit Sahour through small groups, corporate celebrations of the Lord, discipleship, charitable outreach, and other Yesua-centered activity.

history photo

Core Values:


Elahi Malek is a compelling Yesua-centered, Holy Spirit-led, disciple making community that reveals the true face of Yesua to the sons of Abraham.

  • We are committed to making Yesua (Jesus) the Lord of our life and worshiping Him in Spirit and truth for God’s pleasure. We believe worship is a testimony of our passion for God, an instrument of spiritual warfare (2 Chronicles 20:17-22) and provokes unbelievers to jealousy.
  • We are committed to praying together for God’s leading and encouraging the Body of Messiah around the world to pray for the land’s (Israel/Palestine) physical and spiritual restoration.
core values
  • We are committed to making disciples by teaching “the whole counsel of God.” We strengthen the connection to our Biblical Hebrew roots, which nourish our faith and enable us to communicate the truth more effectively.
  • We are committed to love and serve one another, looking to the first Jerusalem congregation as our primary model (Acts 2:42-47), gathering as a body of believers in Yesua (Jesus) in various ways, including large weekly celebrations, medium-size fellowship gatherings, as well as in small groups or home groups that we call “Community Groups.”
  • We believe in the blessing of giving 10% tithes of our finances and also giving freewill offerings to God for the support of our congregation.
  • We are committed to walking together according to the biblical standard of holiness and righteousness.
  • We believe in being accountable to God, to others in the congregation and are open to godly counsel from the wider Body of Messiah.
  • We are committed to Spirit-empowered ministry, recognizing that we are inadequate in ourselves to fulfill our awesome calling. We encourage one another to be immersed (baptized) in the Holy Spirit and to be filled daily with His power. We encourage the operation of the gifts of the Spirit for mutual edification and producing lasting fruit.
  • We are committed to the task of proclaiming, with our lips and our lives, that Yesua (Jesus) the Messiah is the only Savior of Israel and the world. Because much of the Church is cut off from her Hebrew roots, Jewish & Arab people have often seen a distorted picture of Yesua (Jesus). Consequently we strive to reveal His true face in a loving, culturally relevant and sensitive manner.
  • We believe that our testimony is made real and compelling when Jewish and non-Jewish disciples serve together as “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15).
  • We believe in the covenantal promises of restoration from God to the Jewish people. When this restoration is made complete, Israel will again be a light to all nations.
  • Although our calling is primarily to Arab people in Palestine (Galatians 2:9), we heavily support those who are called primarily to other nations and our Jewish brothers in Israel.

Elders & Leadership:


Group 9855

Senior Elder: Paul G
Serving Since: 2018 (founding member)
Hometown: California
Best One-Liner: “My job is to help people find their God-given destiny and walk through it, however, 90% of the time people’s God-given destiny is not to be stuck at my congregation.”

Group 9855

Teaching Elder: Chad H (temporary)
Serving Since: 2018 (founding member)
Hometown: Texas
Best One-Liner: “We were created to rule and reign with the Messiah, so it's time we start letting the Lord prepare us for that."

Group 9855

Deacon: Victor H (deacon training)
Serving Since: 2018 (founding member)
Hometown: Beit Sahour
Best One-Liner:

Group 9855

Elder: Kristen G (temporary)
Serving Since: 2018 (founding member)
Hometown: California
Best One-Liner: “When we truly are loving God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, we learn that all of His commands and boundaries are perfect and for our good. Then His laws will be a delight to our hearts.”

Group 9855

Program Director: George I
Serving Since: 2020
Hometown: Beit Sahour
Best One-Liner: “My job as a speech therapist is to help people improve their communication skills as much as possible. Because communication is KEY in everything in life!”

Group 9855

Deaconess: Diana H
Serving Since: 2018 (founding member)
Hometown: Beit Sahour
Best One-Liner: